When you know how to work with your strengths, but not over-use them...
When you are aware of your weaknesses and can make adjustments...
I think this is the beginning of working toward your full potential.
Cultivating self-awareness utilizing counseling services is often a short-term process. Some people like to come and go as circumstances and needs change. We would like you to think of counseling as part of your total health plan.
We meet you right where you are. You can work on any one, or all aspects of self-awareness- emotional, intellectual, physical, or spiritual. Thank you for the opportunity to share your private world with you and add our knowledge to your well being.
Kindest regards,
Ellen Berk, LCSW, BCD
Director, Interactions Counseling P.C.
Physical Self-awareness Objectives- Know your body, its symptoms, and work on symptom reduction and body self-awareness. (sleep disorders, depression, grief, substance abuse, over-eating, stress, panic.) Learn to change behaviors that need changing.
Emotional Self-Awareness Objectives- Find your comfort spot for emotional expression; somewhere between stoic and explosive. Learn to express feeling effectively and appropriately.
Intellectual Self-Awareness Objectives-Learn how your attitudes, values, and decisions affect your over-all well-being. Undo negative attitudes that affect your outlook on life.
Spiritual Self-Awareness Objectives- Beliefs can also influence your over-all well-being. Get in touch with your soul and make connections to something greater than yourself. Explore your belief systems and expand you knowledge or eliminate harmful beliefs.

Interactions Counseling, P.C.
Cottonwood Farm1191 E. Orchard Rd.
Littleton, CO 80121-1348