A good relationship survives the bumps in the road with love, trust, respect, and reciprocity. In becoming your partner to help you, my colleagues and I apply these same standards to your process. We hope to develop a kind, trusting, respectful relationship with you. The give and take comes in allowing one of us to know all the facts, feelings, and your worries about love and relationships so that we can help you. With honesty, the counseling setting can become your laboratory to understand how you can develop a healthy relationship over the course of time.
Kindest regards,
Ellen Berk, LCSW, BCD, Director, Interactions Counseling P.C.
Learn about Building Togetherness :
- Your dynamic "dance"-communication style- especially under pressure.
- 21 factors of closeness that, when followed, keep your relationship healthy.
- Fair fight rules and ways to discuss the most difficult issues
- Your emotional, intellectual, physical/sexual, spiritual intimacy needs-how they are similar or different from your partner's intimacy needs.
- The difference between dependency and love and how to develop a healthy interdependence.
- Help to improve impulse control in adult patients.
- How past losses or relationship disappointment affects your ability to be close.
- The three levels of intimacy and what level your relationship has attained.
- Relationship boundaries and how to assess if yours are healthy.
- Awareness about what you do to promote or block healthy intimacy.
- Help with sexual intimacy difficulties or differences.

Interactions Counseling, P.C.
Cottonwood Farm1191 E. Orchard Rd.
Littleton, CO 80121-1348